Home Knowledge Environmental & Planning: Legislation Programme Autumn/Winter 2015

Environmental & Planning: Legislation Programme Autumn/Winter 2015





Expected Publication Date

Aarhus Convention Bill

To consolidate and clarify the existing costs provisions in one piece of legislation, to provide a statutory basis for a number of other provisions of the Aarhus Convention and related EU Directives


Maritime Area and Foreshore (Amendment) Bill

To streamline the development consent process for the foreshore including, inter alia, the integration of certain parts of the foreshore consent process (under the Foreshore Act 1933) with the existing on-land planning system

During the Autumn/Winter 2015 Session

Environmental Liability Bill

To give effect to discretionary provisions of the Environmental Liability Directive

No indication as to when publication is expected

Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Bill 2015

To underpin national climate policy

Report Stage in Dáil Éireann

Planning and Development (No.2) Bill

To provide for the implementation of the planning recommendations of the Mahon Tribunal

During the Autumn/Winter 2015 Session

Water Environment Bill

To support the implementation of the Water Framework Directive


Housing (Regulation of Approved Housing Bodies) Bill

To provide a regulatory framework for approved housing bodies


Noise Nuisance Bill

To extend and improve the powers available to Enforcement Authorities to prevent, reduce or abate noise nuisances, by allowing for fixed payment notices and providing for mediation between neighbours

No indication as to when publication is expected