Richard Breen


Richard advises various institutional, national, multinational, State agencies and private clients in dispute resolution at mediations, arbitrations (domestic and international) and before the Commercial Court, High Court and Circuit Court and at statutory inquiries.

Richard Breen

Richard’s practice areas include:- product liability defence (pharma, tobacco, motor and computer manufacturers); commercial contract and shareholder disputes; property and construction disputes; equine disputes; landlord and tenant disputes; commercial rates and Valuation Tribunal appeals; and maritime/ship arrest.

Richard is a member of the firm’s Asia Group with a particular focus on India.  He is a committee member of the Ireland India Business Association and spent three months on secondment in New Delhi in 2014 in the International Arbitration Practice Group of one of India’s largest law firms.

Richard is a CEDR Accredited Mediator, a Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and committee member of Arbitration Ireland.

Recent significant cases include advising:

  • Acting for a foreign bank in the enforcement of multi-million arbitration Award before Commercial Court and subsequently enforcing that Award against properties in Ireland and Spain.
  • Acting for multi-national pharma company in relation to defective product claim with EU multi-jurisdictional dimensions and advising with respect to product recall and potential claims from retailers and consumers.
  • Acting for private client syndicates in separate litigation and arbitration proceedings and enforcing court judgments and arbitration awards respectively in the UK and USA.
  • Representing the defendant in Ireland’s first alleged multi-million negligent valuation claim.

Ranking & Recommendations

Article and Insights
Feb 2023
William Fry acted for the plaintiff landlord in Dipcot Holdings Ltd v Euro Gene...
Richard Breen
Article and Insights
Jul 2022
The Minister for Enterprise Trade and Employment has made Orders commencing the Co...
Richard Breen
Article and Insights
Dec 2021
In a recent ex tempore judgment in a landlord and tenant dispute (Dipcot Holdings ...
Richard Breen
Article and Insights
Dec 2021
In part 1 of this two-part review, we distilled the key points from a recent Irish...
Richard Breen
Article and Insights
Dec 2021
In two judgments in 2021, the Irish Court of Appeal considered the public policy g...
Richard Breen
Article and Insights
Oct 2021
The Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Bill 2021, proposes that a new ind...
Richard Breen
Article and Insights
Jul 2021
In June 2021 the European Commission notified the Swiss Federal Council, that repr...
Richard Breen
Article and Insights
Jun 2021
In April 2021, the Irish High Court ruled on a challenge brought by An Taisce agai...
Michelle Martin
Article and Insights
May 2021
The Irish Supreme Court recently refined the legal test to be applied in security ...
Richard Breen
Article and Insights
Apr 2021
A new EU regulation on food chain transparency came into operation on 27 March 202...
Richard Breen