The Patents Office has adopted a harmonised list of goods and services for use with Irish trade mark applications.
Trade marks are registered according to classifications which have been set by an international agreement, the Nice Treaty. The classifications are divided into goods and services, the purposes of which are to determine the scope of protection afforded to registered trade marks. When applying to register a trade mark, the goods and services for which protection is sought need to be listed. A new tool (EuroClass) has been developed which aims to assist applicants in determining the classes applicable to their trade mark. EuroClass provides a list of descriptions of goods and services that have been accepted by participating offices, including the Patents Office.
EuroClass includes a number of modules which make it easier to determine and cross check descriptions of goods and services.
OHIM (the EU trade marks office), the UK, Ireland and Malta currently participate in the English language version of EuroClass. It is expected that the Swedish and German trade mark offices will shortly also participate in their national languages.
EuroClass is a useful tool and its adoption by the Patents Office is to be welcomed. It is expected that this tool will assist applicants in determining the correct classification and description for goods and services and minimise delays in registration caused by incorrect classifications, and ultimately reduce costs for Irish businesses seeking to protect their trade marks.
For further information, please contact Leo Moore or John Magee of our Technology and Commercial Contracts Department.