Bill |
Purpose |
Status |
Data-Sharing and Governance Bill |
To mandate greater data-sharing and data-linking in the public service, to provide a legal mechanism to facilitate lawful data-sharing and data-linking for all public bodies, and to define standards for data governance and security to be followed in any data sharing or data-linking activities. |
Pre-legislative scrutiny expected by end 2016 |
Criminal Justice (Offences Relating to Information Systems) Bill 2016
To give effect to provisions of EU Directive 2013/40 on attacks against information systems. The Bill amends the Criminal Damage Act 1991, the Bail Act 1997 and the Criminal Justice Act 2011. |
Order for Second Stage (Dáil) |
Amendment of the Constitution (Unified Patent Court) Bill |
To amend Article 29 of the Constitution to recognise the International Agreement on a Unified Patent Court. |
Heads of bill approved on 23 July 2014 |
Digital Hub Development Agency (Dissolution) Bill |
To dissolve the Digital Hub Development Agency (DHDA), repeal the DHDA Act 2003, and to give effect to the merger between the DHDA and Dublin City Council. |
Work is underway |
Copyright and Related Rights (Amendment) (Miscellaneous Intellectual Property) Bill |
To introduce a series of amendments to the Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000 aimed at modernising copyright and also to take account of certain exceptions to copyright permitted by Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2011 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society. |
Heads of bill approved in July 2016 |
Hallmarking (Amendment) Bill |
To amend the Hallmarking Act 1981 to allow for hallmarking of palladium and mixed metals, and to allow offsite/off-shore marking of precious metals by the Irish Assay Office. |
Order for Second Stage (Dáil) |
Knowledge Development Box (Certification of Inventions) Bill |
To provide for a certification scheme in respect of intellectual property for small companies to enable those companies obtain a tax benefit under the Knowledge Development Box and to amend the Patents Act 1992 to re-introduce substantive examination for patent applications. |
Committee Stage (Seanad) |
Cybercrime Bill |
To give effect to those provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime 2001 not already provided for in national law in order to enable ratification of the Convention. |
Preparatory work underway |
Data Protection Bill |
To transpose the EU Directive 2016/680 on Data Protection and give full effect to the Regulation 2016/679. |
Heads of bill being finalised, pre-legislative scrutiny to be determined |
Passenger Name Record Bill |
To give effect to the Passenger Name Record (PNR) Directive which must be transposed into law by May 2018. The Directive is a counter terrorist measure which obliges air carriers to provide member states’ authorities with PNR data for flights entering or departing from the EU. |
Preparatory work is underway |
Interception of Postal Packets and Telecommunications Messages (Regulation) (Amendment) Bill |
To amend various pieces of legislation in respect of electronic communications. |
Work is underway |
Cyber Security Bill |
To transpose the Network and Information Security Directive EU 2016/1148 of 6 July 2016. |
Work is underway |