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Tag: Temporary

2 news articles found
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            [term_id] => 49
            [name] => Article and Insights
            [slug] => articlesinsights
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            [category_count] => 4978
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Article and Insights

Lay-Off and Short-Time Working in Response to Covid-19 – What Employers Need to Consider

We consider the Irish position on lay-off and short-time in the context of the current Covid-19 (...

    [0] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 49
            [name] => Article and Insights
            [slug] => articlesinsights
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 49
            [taxonomy] => category
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 0
            [count] => 4978
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            [cat_ID] => 49
            [category_count] => 4978
            [category_description] => 
            [cat_name] => Article and Insights
            [category_nicename] => articlesinsights
            [category_parent] => 0

Article and Insights

Multinationals and Intercompany Debt: The Tax Implications of Unwinding Intercompany Debt

A €25m tax battle before the Tax Appeals Commission clarifies the corporation tax treatment when ...

Anne Tobin
Anne Tobin