Home Knowledge Aviation & Transport: Legislation Programme Summer 2016

Aviation & Transport: Legislation Programme Summer 2016




Irish Aviation Authority (Amendment) Bill

To amend the Irish Aviation Authority Act 1997 to extend the existing powers of the IAA, with regard to its safety regulation function and to recoup costs through fees and charges for its aviation security regulation functions. To give powers and allow the IAA to set the level and manner of aviation security charges, and the requirement for consultation with regulated entities in that regard. It will also provide for the recognition of the role of the IAA in compliance monitoring with regard to ICAO Annex 17 (prevention and suppression of all acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation on a worldwide basis).

Public consultation is expected shortly

Passenger Name Record Bill

To give effect to the Passenger Name Record (PNR) Directive which must be transposed into law by May 2018. The Directive is a counter terrorist measure which obliges air carriers to provide member states’ authorities with PNR data for flights entering or departing from the EU.

Heads of bill have yet to be prepared

Road Traffic Bill 2016

To make provision for roadside tests of oral fluid for the presence of drugs and a new offence of driving with the presence of certain specified drugs in the blood. Also to give effect to agreement between Ireland and the UK on mutual recognition of driver disqualifications and to create a new special speed limit of 20km/h.

Second Stage (Dáil)

Large Public Service Vehicle (LPSV) Bill

To provide for a new regulatory regime for large public service vehicles and to revoke the existing legislative provisions governing such vehicles.

Work is underway

Merchant Shipping (International Conventions and Maritime Safety) Bill

To provide for the national implementation of certain International Maritime Conventions, the updating of existing statutes in respect of other conventions and provision of some maritime safety measures.

Scoping exercise is being undertaken