As of Monday 29 July 2019, the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership of Companies and Industrial & Provident Societies (RBO) is open for filings.
The original ‘go live’ date of 22 June 2019 was postponed in order to facilitate the passing of legislation which would permit the RBO to collect the PPS numbers of beneficial owners.
With that legislation now in place, the RBO can begin accepting beneficial ownership filings. All filings must be made online via the RBO portal and there is no filing fee.
Beneficial owners who do not have a PPS number will be obliged to submit a Declaration as to Verification of Identity containing their name, date of birth, nationality and address. The beneficial owner must solemnly declare this information to be correct and true and have this Declaration verified, witnessed and signed. The RBO will announce further details about this process in due course.
Companies and industrial and provident societies in scope of the Regulations are obliged to file up to date beneficial ownership information with the RBO by 22 November 2019. There is a maximum penalty of €500,000 for failure to make these filings.
View our detailed briefing on the requirements here.
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