Home Knowledge Consumer: Autumn 2013 Legislative Programme

Consumer: Autumn 2013 Legislative Programme

September 18, 2013


Proposed Bill  Purpose as per Legislative Programme
Expected Publication Date
Consumer and Competition Bill  To amalgamate the National Consumer Agency and the Competition Authority and to give effect to other changes to competition and consumer law including making provision for a statutory code of conduct for the grocery goods sector and giving effect to the recommendations of the Advisory Group on Media Mergers During the Autumn 2013 Session 
Sale of Alcohol Bill To codify the law relating to the sale and consumption of alcohol 2014
Public Health (Alcohol) Bill  To provide for the inclusion of health advice/warnings on alcohol drink containers (bottles, cans) and on promotional materials including advice on the dangers of consuming alcohol during pregnancy, to provide a minimum price at which alcohol may be sold, to provide certain matters in relation to the advertising of alcohol and other measures in relation to alcohol No indication as to when publication is expected
Standardised Packaging of Tobacco Products Bill To regulate the retail packaging and appearance of tobacco products with a view to increasing the effectiveness of health warnings, reducing the attractiveness of tobacco products to consumers and reducing the ability of retail packaging in misleading consumers about the harmful effects of smoking or using tobacco products No indication as to when publication is expected

Your William Fry contacts: Cormac Little, Claire Waterson, Kenneth Morgan & Richard Breen

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