These are certainly interesting and challenging times that we live in. At a time when there is too much doom and gloom around, it is nice to be able to give some good news for a change. Recent figures showed a trade surplus in July of €4.48 billion, which is approaching double the figure for the same month two years previously. Life sciences accounts for one third of Ireland’s €160 billion of exports and is expected to increase by 10% this year. Clearly, the smart economy is going to play a key role in Ireland’s recovery from its current economic difficulties.
A strong commitment to the smart economy is essential. The publication of the Government’s fiscal plan for economic recovery and growth for the next four years shows that the 12.5% rate of corporation tax will be maintained. Much of the re-adjustment will come from spending cuts, restructuring and a broadening of the tax base.
Cloud computing is generating a lot of interest and positive comment; we conclude the second part of our article on key issues that we’re seeing arise in practice and which echo the comments from recent events at which this writer has presented. The wider technology sector continues to perform strongly.
Congratulations to the winners at the Irish Software Awards, including the impressive Helix Health, Ireland’s largest healthcare IT provider, presented with the top award, Company of the Year, as well as Qumas (Business Collaboration Award) and dotMobi (Technical Innovations Award).
We are noticing a strong increase in matters being litigated and this is reflected in the articles for this issue. There is the eye-watering award of $1.3 billion obtained by Oracle in a copyright infringement case taken against SAP. There are articles on diverse topics covering such areas as DNA patents, music downloads, ambush marketing and even Lego!
We hope you enjoy it and as ever welcome any comments or queries you may have.
To view the articles, please click on the relevant link below:
- Cloud Computing – Data Protection and Security
- Clash of the Technology Titans – Jury Awards Oracle $1.3bn from SAP in Illegal Downloading Case
- UPC Victorious in High Court Illegal Downloading Case
- European Court of Justice Limits Scope of DNA Patents
- L’Oreal Case Heralds Greater Protection for Well Known Brands
- Irish Software Firm not a Copyright Copycat
- Ambush Marketing Grabs the Headlines Again
- Snippets