On 17 June 2021, Catherine O’Flynn, Ciara McLoughlin, Eimear O’Leary and Richard Smith presented on Mondaq’s webinar, “The Changing Employment and Pensions Landscape in Ireland: Recent and Upcoming Developments”.
The events of 2020 led to considerable changes in employment law and practice in Ireland and 2021 continues this trend. Richard examined certain of these changes, including the right to disconnect, flexible/remote working, new guidance on vaccinations and antigen testing, and the right to request remote working. Eimear O’Leary also examined upcoming developments such as statutory sick pay, upcoming amendments to whistleblowing legislation and new gender pay gap reporting requirements.
In addition, Ciara McLoughlin looked at how pension scheme trustees and employers can comply with IORP II now that the necessary transposing legislation has been enacted in Ireland. She discussed the key points of concern which pension scheme trustees and sponsoring employers will need to be aware of and start complying with. This includes trustee and key function holders’ fitness and probity, the new system of governance and new supervisory powers of the Pensions Authority.
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